Why humanID
Age Verification?
Verifies age without storing or sharing personal data, with all information deleted after use.
Regulatory Compliance
Fully aligns with global and regional age verification regulations and standards.
Commitment to Safety
Helps businesses protect young audiences by controlling access to age-sensitive content.

Key Features

ID Scanning
Users can scan or upload an image of a government-issued ID. The system checks the date of birth and verifies the authenticity of the document, without storing any personal identifiable information.

Data Deletion
All personal information is securely deleted immediately after the verification process, ensuring maximum privacy and compliance with data protection laws.

Instant Verification
Verifications are completed in real time, delivering quick results to users while ensuring accuracy and efficiency for businesses.

Platform Flexibility
Designed to work seamlessly on both mobile and web platforms, allowing users to complete the verification process conveniently on any device.
Single-Sign On
humanID has developed a one-click, anonymous authentication solution that provides a safer online experience through the guarantee of user privacy and the prevention of bot, duplicate, and spam accounts.
Using phone-based authentication, humanID assigns each human user a hash Ied identifier, affording individuals unique online identities and the highest level of privacy protection.
humanID immediately deletes a user’s data upon authentication and never shares such information with the accessed website. Verification through phone number protects websites from unwanted, inhuman accounts and provides users with the added advantage of entirely eliminating the need for passwords.
With humanID’s technology, users enjoy a convenient and secure login experience while websites secure a useful ally against harmful bot accounts.

How Does Single Sign-On Work?
The foundation for SSO success is built upon trust between multiple parties. The service provider, or the application, and the identity provider, like humanID, must be perfectly transparent with one another in order to provide users seamless and secure access to multiple web resources. This trust is typically verified through the exchange of a certificate between both parties which can be used to identify information sent from the identity provider and service provider. In SSO, these bits of information, known as SSO tokens, are typically user credentials like email or username.

Our Authentication Solutions
humanID has developed one-click, anonymous authentication solutions that provide a safer online experience through the guarantee of user privacy and the prevention of bot, duplicate, and spam accounts. humanID currently offers apps and websites an easy-to-use single sign-on tool, as well as a CAPTCHA user authentication, both easily integrated through SDKs available on Github.
Privacy, Meet Accountability
With a one-click anonymous login, humanID gives the internet the accountability it needs without the surveillance it doesn’t.

Phone number received and immediately deleted
Higher user conversion rates
Less content moderation costs
Lower implied cost of data breach
Quick privacy law compliance
Protects free speech online
Limits trolls, spam, bots, sock puppets,
One human, one ID
Real discussion, real privacy
Better democracy
Facebook user data including name, number, address, email, sexual orientation, race, hobbies, interests, and employment information collected
Lower conversion rates
Spam, trolls, bots
60% of data breaches bankrupt companies
Legal costs of compliance
Fake news corrupting elections
30% of Facebook are fake accounts
Echo chambers and polarization
Hateful communities
Data breaches
Threat to democracy

humanID has SDKs, Software Development Kits, for integrating humanID’s authentication system into other applications. Our GitHub hosts the source code for each SDK, as well as installation instructions and example code.
We currently support:
Block Spam
Full User Privacy
Users can leave comments and messages without handing over any personal information. No data to handle, no data leaks to fear.
Comment Plug-In
Completely blocks automated spam bots without you or your readers even noticing!
Contact Form Plug-In
Only authenticated users’ messages enter your inbox, streamlining your workflow.

Block Spam
One account per human, block abusers for good (automatically, no extra work on your end).
Offer Full Privacy
We secure your server without saving any user data. You never have to worry about security or data breaches.
Ease of Implementation
Users can sign up within seconds using “/verify” in a designated channel.
Ease of Use
Can be added to your server and running within minutes.

Louis van Ahn, inventor of CAPTCHA, once explained that a day would come where CAPTCHA would be unable to tell humans and bots apart any better than simply guessing. The unfortunate truth for the billions connected to the internet today is that the future Louis saw is here. With sophisticated botnets and powerful image recognition software, the system of puzzles once used to keep the internet safe from bots is now little more than a data-harvesting roadblock for human users. Bots actually have an easier time defeating CAPTCHA than humans do, leading many to ask why we would even use this outdated system at all?
Enter humanID CAPTCHA, our new solution to the bot problem that uses open-source tech to finally do away with puzzles! With humanID, users are assigned a unique, non-reversible identifier confirmed through SMS, ensuring complete anonymity. Using humanID, users can be sure they won’t have to go through puzzles, while platforms that integrate with us can sleep soundly, knowing that they have a bot-free network!

Advantages of humanID vs. CAPTCHA

Efficient & Straightforward
All you need is a phone number

No More Stoplights
Bot-prevention without puzzles

Quick Verification
Rapid SMS code input

Transparent & Trustworthy
Nonprofit and open source

Secured Privacy
No background monitoring and kept information