Flutter Login SDK
By Mohammed Usrof
February 2, 2022
Software Developing Kits, or more commonly known as SDKs, are tools that allow programmers the ability to develop applications on different platforms and operating systems. There are many tools alike, but one that stands out is Flutter, which is a login SDK tool developed by Google.

What is Flutter?
Flutter is a user-interface (UI) SDK which is used for developing cross-platform features and applications. The SDK in particular is innovative, convenient, quick to develop and migrate into software applications, and is compatible with most devices.
One of the many uses of Flutter is its ability to implement single sign-on (SSO) systems. These are authentication methods which can heighten privacy and security levels on an application, making the login experience both more convenient for the user, and more difficult to break into by intruders. Flutter login SDK is used frequently by developers who seek to build a quick privacy system such as SSO’s for an application.
Why Use Flutter Login SDK?
One of Flutter’s biggest advantages is its ease of use—its adaptability with most frameworks makes it one of the most suitable choices for businesses and consumers alike. No matter the magnitude of the application’s significance, Flutter can implement login systems which manage to adhere to the aesthetic of the app and still provide a secure system to protect user information.
Moreover, Flutter is more than just an SSO implementation software. As an SDK, it beholds a great number of benefits and value in terms of simplicity when it comes to any software development. Being a single codebase with a free open source allows for more creativity and flexibility of code-use across iOS and Android. This feature of Flutter allows people to both benefit from each other’s work and utilize only one codebase amongst two differing applications.
API Integeration
An interesting usage of Flutter’s SDK tool is being able to create an authentication and registration framework with a backend system; a process also known as Flutter REST API integration. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are defined as sets of protocols for building and integration software. Flutter’s login API combined with Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) registration helps maintain a wall of security with a solid User Authentication status. The following diagram describes the User Authentication process using Flutter when it comes to utilizing it in application development (with Firebase Authentication as stand-in example for humanID).

Hot-Reload Abilities
Flutter has the Hot-Reload ability, which allows the developer to see the changes in the code and their results in real time. This is a game changer for most developers as it increases their productivity and the efficiency of their work. Furthermore, it is a suitable option for businesses and consumers due to its quick adaptation, making it perfect for setting up applications to present them to new investors. It is cheap as it is compatible with many different operating systems, leaving out the need to develop the app more than once to adapt it to different systems (such as Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, etc.).
Flutter as an MVP
A minimum viable product, or MVP, is a term used to describe a new version of a software product which allows a team “to gather the maximum amount of proven customer knowledge with the least amount of effort”. By providing an open-source construction nature, a flexible UI, and a hot-reload ability to view and revise code in real time, Flutter can be classified as an MVP. These features display Flutter as not only aesthetic and unique, but also allow for an application to be revised on short-notice based on customer feedback. This is ideal for developers looking for an accelerated and efficient application development process.
Also, if ever in doubt, Flutter has a worldwide community of developers who can always be contacted. This community has a very solid documentation aspect to it, which aids in outlining the benefits of the SDK tool and the flexible capabilities of its codebase.
Flutter and humanID
Incentives to develop new SDKs are on the rise, whether it be for the sake of helping implement new technology or for easily configuring UI for applications. They spark a new start to the future of application development. Moreover, as the incentive to use SDKs increases, creativity then increases, leading to likely better products that tend to improve our society and improve productivity.
One of those organizations that aim to do just that is humanID. humanID uses SDKs to improve the privacy, security, and implementation process of authentication systems. humanID utilizes a one-way hash system, so that once a user’s phone number is authorized through a verification code in the initial sign-up process, both the code and phone number are deleted from the system’s database and become unusable. As for the hash, it would then be tied to the number for future identification in logins, but the user will not be tied to the hash, ultimately maximizing security.