Online Data Protection for Minors The various laws and protections for minors in the U.S. By Ryan M. Norchi March 8, 2021 Everyone wants to feel safe about their personal information collected by data companies online, but they don’t necessarily stop to consider what...
Top Four Ways to Protect User Privacy By Alice Zhang March 1, 2021 Hundreds of millions of emails, phone calls, app downloads, and user accounts are made each day, with the numbers only rising. With increasing news reports on data breaches, government tracking, and...
What is Multi-factor Authentication? By Ryan M. Norchi February 22, 2021 If living entirely off the grid sounds inconvenient but you are aware that data breaches and password hacks are becoming increasingly more common every year, perhaps you are in search of a high...
The Pros and Cons of Passphrase Login By Ryan Norchi February 15, 2021 Everyday, would-be and soon-to-be hackers alike are gearing up to break into the data of millions of people while cybersecurity professionals are paid to bear down on them from the other side. In...
Human Voices, Episode 7: Tech & Geopolitics: Why We Should Worry Hosted By Bastian Purrer Februrary 10, 2021 Welcome back to Human Voices, HumanID’s podcast talking cybersecurity, privacy, and news in tech! This week’s focus will be on the short- and long-term...